Tuesday, October 18, 2011


       We are all just a work in progress. Changing daily, whether we plan to or not. Now is the time to examine your progress. Are you headed in the direction of health and happiness? I know I wasn't. I had gained another 22pds. Blowing up to 220pds. The highest I have ever been. That was a total gain of 70pds in 11 years. I was angry and sad most of the time. One day after seeing some awful photos, hearing about weight watchers from a million different sources, and Just being tired of being tired I signed up.
       I joined weight watchers, and started going to gym 4 days a week. It is amazing how much better I feel with losing just my first 10pds. I have more energy, Rowan says I am "nice mommy" more often now, and my clothes are fitting better.
       I can't wait to feel the energy I will have when I have lost 20, 30 ,40pds. I am looking forward to a future full of healthy eating and healthy living.

So lets encourage each other to live Happy, Healthy, Productive lives. We will all be better for it!

I feel somewhat vulnerable posting these, but I feel I need to keep a visual track of my progress. I have gained so much support and encouragement from you, my friends, I trust you will continue to do the same. So every 10pds I lose I will update with a new photo :)


Friday, April 29, 2011

Loving Cousins

Rowan and Athena love their cousins Faolan and Riley. Any time we can play together, It's the best day of the week for them :)

Easter at grandma Ganschow's

We had Easter brunch at my in laws after church. The kids LOVE Easter egg hunting, I think they had three separate hunts this year :)I love my in laws garden. Ya spring :) my garden is about a month behind but my irises should bloom this week. they are very close.

Rowan loves his lilac colored suit. He says he likes to dress fancy :)
Athena and her favorite person Uncle Ross :)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Bridge Church Easter Egg Dash 2011

My sister Bonnie had a wonderful time dressed up as the Easter Bunny :) Nothing better to her than hugging people for a few hours!

What a wonderful group of volunteers! We had 13,000 eggs and tons of candy. Even with the rain we probably had 1,500 to 2,000 people attend. Thank you everyone for all your hard work! I can't wait to start prepping for next year :)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

our friends Daughter Autumn. Rowan loves her.
Athena 4 months old

Rowan and sissy sure do love each other!

Walkn' to the river

Having fun down at the river. the river is about a half a mile away. makes for a nice walk, and a beautiful sunset!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Athena is Two Months olds!!!

Riley is 16 months old. Isn't he cute! Alek Graduates High school in a few weeks!!!!