Tuesday, October 18, 2011


       We are all just a work in progress. Changing daily, whether we plan to or not. Now is the time to examine your progress. Are you headed in the direction of health and happiness? I know I wasn't. I had gained another 22pds. Blowing up to 220pds. The highest I have ever been. That was a total gain of 70pds in 11 years. I was angry and sad most of the time. One day after seeing some awful photos, hearing about weight watchers from a million different sources, and Just being tired of being tired I signed up.
       I joined weight watchers, and started going to gym 4 days a week. It is amazing how much better I feel with losing just my first 10pds. I have more energy, Rowan says I am "nice mommy" more often now, and my clothes are fitting better.
       I can't wait to feel the energy I will have when I have lost 20, 30 ,40pds. I am looking forward to a future full of healthy eating and healthy living.

So lets encourage each other to live Happy, Healthy, Productive lives. We will all be better for it!

I feel somewhat vulnerable posting these, but I feel I need to keep a visual track of my progress. I have gained so much support and encouragement from you, my friends, I trust you will continue to do the same. So every 10pds I lose I will update with a new photo :)