Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Who would of thought at two years old Rowan would already be playing video games. The best part is Dave and I let him make all the choices we just move the mouse around.
He is really good at some of the games!
Mom and Dad told me the funniest thing, Rowan found a bag of Papa's Cheetos. He wanted some, but hadn't asked anyone to open it for him.
So next thing they know they see him trying to figure out how to get it open. After a few failed attempts he decided to sit on the bag! Well the Cheetos opened up with a bang and he couldn't have been prouder of himself.
Papa said it was pretty amazing watching his problem solving skills. We are going to have our hands full :)

Belly Button

Here I am at 37 weeks or 20 days till the due date and my belly button is trying to pop out! This is new for me. Not something that I came even close to with Rowan! Yes that is a navel ring scare above my belly button :)
So everything has become more difficult.
Grocery shopping
rolling over in bed
picking anything up off the floor!
Forget shaving my legs :)
Luckily I have not gotten my sons cold. Last thing I need is to go into labor sick! I feel for him, he has had a fever and a bad cough. But they have cleared up thankfully.
I can't wait to meet my Daughter, and get my Body back!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Some of our favorite pictures

Fun at the park

I got the mustard top off

I found my Toes!!!

This grass feels weird!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

Rowan Just loves art class! Much to my surprise I went online to sigh Rowan up for his current session and Found a picture of Auntie Bunny and Rowan at art class! Dave was very excited Friday morning because he was able to take Rowan. Normally it is Bonnie or me who takes him.
I received my first Valentine from Rowan! We proudly displayed it on the fridge. :)
Happy Valentines Day!

Monday, February 9, 2009

How Cool!

I found this cool weight tracker and it has been an awesome way to keep track of my weight gain during my Pregnancy. So far I have gained 18 pds. I'm shooting for 20 to 25 pds. With five weeks left I'm doing great. I feel great and my Doctor is very happy also!

The fun part will be after the pregnancy to see the line going down, down, down. :)

Long term goal: a healthy 150 pds. with lots of muscle definition. I want awesome arms.

How cool is this: I've been trying to keep up with my walking, and have lost an inch in my thighs! Bonnie takes my measurements at the first of every month. I am so excited! I'm gaining the weight I'm suppose to too have a healthy pregnancy, and my legs look better! A client at the salon even commented on how good my legs look. I may feel like a whale, but people keep telling me How I actually look like I've lost weight everywhere else. pretty cool, I think.

My weight tracker

Get your own graph at skinnyr

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Six weeks left till the baby is here!!

Six more weeks is starting to sound like forever! I am very thankful for Dave, he doesn't complain when the house is an explosion because I just can't keep up with Rowan. He just starts cleaning. Bonnie has taken over the meal planning, If she doesn't make dinner she tells me what to make. It's been awesome, I swear my brain has disappeared, so All the help I can get is very much appreciated. Breathing has become more difficult :) I am now taking Daily naps with Rowan, a very odd thing for me. I am very thankful for nap time, because nighttime sleeping is becoming very difficult. between the soar hips, insomnia, and frequent bathroom trips, sleep is becoming a rare occurrence.
Athena will be here before we know it!